The lack of full-height defines a miniature horse, so you can consider it half of a regular horse. You can find miniature horses worldwide, but they are particularly popular in the US and Europe. Such a lovely animal is the final product of professional, centuries-long breed crossing.
The primary role of miniature horses is to look pretty and be friendly toward people and kids. They are often considered family members but typically require proper handling like any other horse breed. It may sound logical that these tiny creatures cost less due to their size, but it is not always the case. Let’s see how much do miniature horses cost in reality.
The Miniature Horse History
The miniature horse breed is an ancient, more than 400 years old breed. These beauties first appeared in Europe back in the 16th century. Until the middle of the 17th century, they primarily were family pets.
Once they came to the US in the 19th century, people used them as workhorses in coal mines.
You can often hear that admirers call miniature horses mini-horses, and most people mix them with ponies. However, they only share their size with ponies but are actually some kind of a mixture of the regular horse and a pony.
Although most of the miniature horse's bloodlines include Shetland breeding, they have every trait and disposition of a regular-sized equine, making them horses, not ponies. In other words, they have characteristics of the regular horse and the size of the pony.
Miniature horse breed |
Features | Miniature horse |
Species | Equus caballus |
Family | Equidae |
Height | 8.5 to 9.5 hands (34 - 38 inches / 86 - 97 cm) |
Weight | 200 to 250 pounds (91 - 113.5 kg) |
Temperament | Friendly, gentle, playful, social, and curious |
Color | Black, bay, palomino, chocolate, or white |
Lifespan | 25 to 35 years |
Diet | Hay, forage, pasture |
Care | Moderate level |
Minimal stale dimensions | 8 by 10 feet (2.4 x 3 m) |
Stall set-up | Outdoor area and inside bedding |
Compatibility | Great |
The Falabella miniature horse stands to be one of the most outstanding examples of the modern breed. The Argentine Falabella family from the Recreo de Roca Ranch in Buenos Aires developed this 25 to 34 inches (63.5 - 86 cm) tall animal and got horses with excellent characteristics, but smaller.
They managed to cross miniature Shetland ponies with small Thoroughbreds and got some of the most beautiful Falabellas.
Besides Shetland bloodlines, most miniature horses have Arabian and Quarter horse ancestors. The most popular miniature horses that compete in shows have an Arabian heritage, giving them a fine-boned look and large eyes.
The Miniature Horse Price
Although you technically buy half of the horse, its price is not that low and won't differ much from the quality regular-sized animal cost. So, you often need to spend a serious sum of money if you plan to buy a miniature horse.
As you can guess, the miniature horses' price will significantly vary, and you can find both relatively inexpensive and costly animals on the market, depending on your preferences. The most affordable miniature horse you can buy will cost you around $800, while the most expensive animals often reach prices up to $200,000.
A few characteristics will drastically change the price of your miniature horse, such as pedigree and training level. However, many other things will affect its value. Let's check the crucial ones:

Pedigree and breed quality will impact the price drastically. Before purchase, the primary thing to consider is whether you need a good pedigree horse for competing in shows when the top-notch bloodline is crucial.
On the other hand, the pedigree is not vital if you plan to keep a miniature horse as a pet. The lovely and obedient mini-horse without a good pedigree will be an excellent buddy for your kids and save your money.
Age is one of the most important things determining the miniature horse's price. Young horses need lots of training, so they are often cheaper. On the other hand, 7 to 14 years old animals perform the best, and they are expensive due to years of costly training.
When buying an older horse, you should be careful while inspecting its condition. It is crucial how the previous owner took care of the animal.
The overall horse appearance, including size, hair, and color, will significantly impact the price. For instance, animals with rare coat colors or patterns will be more expensive.
Training level
Every horse, including miniature one, needs specific training to learn proper behavior and desired skills. Horses with lower prices are usually less trained, but the difference in cost that depends on training levels is rarely more than $1,500.
When training your miniature horse, especially for shows or competitions, proper attire is just as important as your training techniques. Wild Jolie Cowgirl Boots are perfectly suited for working with miniature horses, offering the right combination of functionality and style. Their lower heel height provides better stability when walking alongside these smaller equines, while still maintaining the classic western look judges appreciate in show rings. Many miniature horse trainers choose Wild Jolie Cowgirl Boots for their comfortable fit during long training sessions and their eye-catching designs that complement the elegant appearance of miniature horses in competition settings.

Achievements and rewards your miniature horse got in shows will also increase its price by a certain percentage.
Your location
The miniature horse price also depends on the state you live in. Additionally, buying such an animal from another state will cost you more because of transportation costs.
Regular Monthly Miniature Horse Expenses
To calculate how much money you need to provide your miniature horse monthly expenses, you need to check several factors that impact them. Typically, they include food, living expenses, periodic vet, dental, groomer, farrier bills, and emergency costs.
Your miniature horse doesn’t need much space. You can keep it in your backyard if you can provide a well-made barn. The stall needs to be dry, well-warmed or ventilated, and comfortable.
In this case, you will spend $100 a month on average to maintain your miniature horse. With this money, you will cover barn maintenance costs, shavings, and additional supplies when needed.
You can also find a property for miniature horse accommodation. Traditional boarding for these small animals will cost you from $300 to $700 per month, depending on the state where you live. You will cover all expenses for the barn, food costs, cleaning, shavings, primary care, and dental care with this amount of money.
If you want to have your horse professionally trained, you should expect to spend at least $400 to $800 per month for this purpose. You can decide to train your miniature horse for driving, jumping, and shows.
There is another boarding option, so-called pasture boarding. It includes living in the pasture, a run-in shed, and food. It will cost you only $100 to $ 300 a month, depending on the state you live in.

Miniature horses tend to put on weight quickly, and you need to provide a specific diet for your pet to prevent overweight. On average, you should spend about $25 to $40 for your mini-horse proper diet monthly.
With this money, you can buy enough hay and grains. Never leave a constant food supply near your horse to keep its weight under control.
It is also necessary to occasionally set aside some money for additional care. For instance, you should spend $10 on deworming every 6 to 8 weeks. Plus, some horses require supplements to improve their immune system, which will cost you approximately $15 to $30 a month.
Vet and dental bills
Your miniature horse will need routine vet examinations like any other average-sized horse. Each visit typically includes necessary check-ups and vaccination. Basically, you will spend at least $100 a year on regular vet visits.
Keep in mind that this price can significantly vary, depending on specific medical needs your mini-horse requires or possible emergencies. This animal also needs a regular dental check because it may suffer from teeth and gum problems. One dental visit will cost you approximately $60 to $100.
Miniature horses usually have more problems with hoofs than normal-sized horses because of their small stature. However, your pet will need regular farrier visits at least once in 4 to 6 weeks.
This way, you will keep your miniature horse healthy and prevent hoof problems. Since mini-horses usually don't wear any shoe type unless their hoofs start hurting, you should count on the average farrier charge of $15 to $20 per visit.
Miniature Horse Characteristics
Your miniature horse will surely be friendly and calm, but you should treat it as a normal-sized equine. Your cutie will be gentle, playful, and social, and it will never be a problem to have it. Therefore, you will need only basic knowledge about horses to take care properly of yours.
Luckily, these horses are very intelligent and curious, meaning they will learn everything required quickly. However, you should remember that these creatures love to be independent and sometimes misbehave like normal-sized horses.
For instance, you can face severe stubbornness in your beloved mini-horse. Only adequate and timely training can help in such a situation.
The miniature horse will make a perfect pet even though you can't live with it in the same room. You can keep this animal in your backyard and play with it whenever you want or even use it in shows. It will live 25 to 35 years, so you will have enough quality time to spend together.